Part of the process of running a business is to review reports at various intervals. This allows you to gain valuable insights into how your business is tracking. This is important because it helps you to decide which path to take next.
But what if your accounts are a mess?
The short and curly answer to this question is that your reports will also be a mess! They will be meaningless, not meaningful. They won’t be useful at all. The saying ” garbage in, garbage out” comes to mind here.
On the other hand, if your accounts are up to date, correct and accurate, you will be able to rely on the data. You will be able to see what is happening in your business today, this week and into the future. You will be able to make intelligent decisions for your business, based on what is actually happening, not what you think is happening (because basically, you don’t know!).
By allowing us to get your accounts organised and up to date, you can rely on the data in the reports. Without accurate data, it is impossible to move forward. Sure, you’ll get through, you’ll wing it, but you won’t ever experience the confidence of knowing exactly how your business is tracking. And with our cash flow and budgeting services, you’ll be able to move beyond just profit and loss and balance sheet reports – you’ll be able to visualise the future too.
Are your accounts too messy to generate meaningful reports? Can you rely on the data? Would you like to finally gain some clarity into the workings of your business? If your answer is yes, then maybe it’s time to chat! Call us now to organise your free one-hour consultation where we’ll see if we’re a good fit for one another.