We offer 3 payment options
- Pay by the hour. Our current hourly rate as of 1st July 2024, is $95 including GST. There are some exceptions to this rate – see below.
- Pre-purchase a block of hours. This will give you greater control over your bookkeeping budget. See below.
- Pay a fixed fee each month. A fixed fee will be arranged on a case-by-case basis. We will review your scope of work and, in conjunction with you, arrive at an agreed monthly fee. This is usually done after completing 2-3 months of bookkeeping at our hourly rate, in order to provide a general overview of expected outcomes. Please get in touch to discuss if this interests you.
Pre-purchase a block of hours
Service Exceptions
- Form Lodgement $55 per lodgement (applies to any form we lodge on your behalf)
- Minimum Charge $55 (for any one-off task taking less than 1/2 hour to perform)
- Set up and/or migration of accounting software files $150 per hour
- Onsite Work $150 per hour
- Rescue Work $150 per hour
- Rush Fee $130 per hour (for your “emergency” jobs)
- Software Training $150 per hour
- Support Fee $99 per month for one hour email, phone and/or video support. Purchase below
Monthly Support Fee
One hour support by phone, email and/or video
Buy Now
Purchase via PayPal with your PayPal balance, credit card or debit card (you do not need a PayPal account to use this payment method)
Can I get a quotation?
Yes of course! If you would like a quotation, please contact us to book your free initial consultation where we can discuss your bookkeeping needs. A quotation will be issued after this consultation, based on the information you provide.
*Prices are reviewed and adjusted annually, in line with market forces and CPI. All prices quoted include GST.