Data Security

At e-BAS Accounts, we are dedicated to keeping your data 100% secure, 24/7. We are able to do this with the use of an application known as “Practice Protect“.
Essentially, Practice Protect allows us to store all of our practice apps in one place but only access them via one login per user. Individual passwords are not stored and can only be reset by the administrator. This is the first layer of protection. The second layer is the ability for the administrator to control users’ access to software and also restrict their access geographically. The final layer of protection is the enforcement of two-factor authentication.
So why do we use Practice Protect in our practice?
The simple answer is, our practice is 100% cloud-based and as such, our client’s data is at risk every single day of being stolen or compromised in some way despite our best efforts to shield it. Further to this, our employees work remotely from one another making it is impossible to control their cyber activity and password processes (or lack there-of). With cybercrime on the rise and criminals getting cleverer in terms of finding ways to steal data, we felt that using some sort of protection app to assist our practice was a no-brainer. The security of our client’s data is paramount Let’s face it, when you’re online, you’re continually at risk – it’s a very difficult thing to control at the best of times! This is why e-BAS Accounts is now a “cloud best practice”.