Giving Program

Why we’re making a difference together
Our giving program celebrates our consistent growth as a business over the last couple of years. We’re doing OK. In fact, we’re doing better than OK, thanks to you (our valued clients) continuing to put your trust in us.
How do we choose to say thank you? By creating a giving program to connect you and us in the ultra-satisfying mission of making a difference in this world. We designed a program that turns “warm + fuzzy” into tangible dollars for a handful of charities doing great work for others. Sit back and we’ll tell you all about it.
Our charities and why we chose them
Committing to “giving back” is the easy part. Deciding which charities to support is a challenge – there are so many groups doing incredible and authentic work, we’re spoiled for choice.
So … we selected four charities that reflect us and you. You’re located around Australia and have families (big and small, old and young). Many of you have much-loved fur-babies in your lives and we all know of less fortunate people in our communities.
To touch on all those aspects, plus a couple of personal connections, we’ve chosen to split the benefits of our giving program across these four ethically run charities. Check them out and be inspired by the amazing work they’re doing – work we’ll be supporting together.
How it works – you don’t need to do a thing
From now (and forever) we’ll be donating 1%* of the pre-GST value of every invoice we raise directly to the above charities in an even four-way spread.
Many giving programs don’t let you see the value of your donation. We think being reminded you’re making a difference in the lives of others is the best part, and that putting a figure on it makes it real.
Don’t worry – you don’t need to do a thing. Your invoice (every e-BAS Accounts invoice) will show an exact amount as a Charitable Donation, with a second entry confirming we’re transferring it to a special holding account. Each quarter we’ll tell you how much you donated and, at the end of the financial year, we’ll advise your grand annual total. So you get to feel warm + fuzzy every time you see an invoice or statement. Us too!
We’ve set up recurring monthly deductions (shoot us, we’re bookkeepers!) to transfer at least 1% of our revenue to our four charities. Yes, we’re measuring it, tracking it, and checking it twice.
Thank you, thank you
We thank you from the bottom of our little bookkeeping hearts for making our giving program possible. Without your continued support, we couldn’t even imagine giving back on this level.
We hope you share our pride in knowing we’re making a difference in the lives of others, together. Why not let us know what you think?
Our Giving Program Results