Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) to include 3 more industries – road freight, IT & security

The ATO has announced that those businesses providing services in the following 3 industries will be caught in the “TPAR net” from 1st July 2019.

  • Road freight services
  • Information technology services
  • Security, investigation or surveillance services

From 1st July 2019, businesses in the above 3 industries will need to track payments made to contractors they use to provide their services. Then, they will need to report these payments in their first TPAR which will be due for lodgement by 28th August 2020.

Read more from the ATO about this here.

Note, the ATO has also included cleaning and courier services in the TPAR program, beginning 1st July 2018.

If your business in included in any of the above industries and you think you will need help setting up tracking payments to contractors in your chosen accounting software and/or lodging the TPAR, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

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Long Service Leave changes for Victoria November 2018

The new Long Service Leave Act 2018 for Victoria was activated on 1st November 2018. Employees in Victoria who were previously covered by the Long Service Leave Act 1992, can now enjoy several improvements regarding this leave entitlement. These improvements are discussed in this blog.

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Cleaners & Couriers now required to lodge a Taxable Payments Annual Report

The ATO has now confirmed that those who run a courier and/or cleaning business must lodge a Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) from 1 July 2018.

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Meal entertainment: when does GST apply?

The area of “meal entertainment” is an absolute minefield for accounting professionals like us. It can be very difficult to know when an expense incurred by a client relating to food or drink should be recorded with GST or not. Luckily there is a resource out there via the ATO that brings some clarity to the situation.

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Cyber Security: How we protect your data

Earlier this year, we were approached by a company called Practice Protect which is a platform that provides accountants and bookkeepers with 24/7 cloud data security. I had been concerned/worried about data security (mainly client data) for some time and when Practice Protect called me, I immediately became interested. Here was a ready-made program on offer that gives accounting professionals the opportunity to protect their clients’ data (and their own) via an easy-to-use app. Needless to say, I did end up adopting this app and we now use it in our practice. After some training and set up procedures, I am proud to say that we are a Practice Protect Cloud Best Practice. But why did we do this and how does it work exactly?

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One 12 month STP authority to replace a per pay event authority

Accountants Daily have reported this week that the ATO has done a back-flip on the requirement for agents to get written authority from their employer clients to send pay event data to the ATO, each and every pay event. The ATO will now accept one lodgement authority for STP per client, to be renewed annually. This is a common-sense move by the ATO who now understand that asking employers to sign a lodgement authority form for every pay run, is super painful, annoying and inconvenient for all concerned. From the Accountants Daily article:
“Only last week, we had the commissioner sign off on a more streamlined process there. It involves an STP engagement authority, where the employer will do quite detailed authorisation upfront with their agent, in terms of what that agent can do on their behalf, including the fact that they can make those declarations on each STP report for the next 12 months,” Assistant Commissioner and Single Touch Payroll Lead at the ATO John Shepherd told Accountants Daily.

[easy-tweet tweet=”Employers may authorise their registered agents to act on their behalf for Single Touch Payroll (STP) through an annual agreement. ” hashtags=”STP, Payroll, Authorities” template=”light”]

This is very good news for all tax professionals and indeed for their clients. Many clients groan and grump at the continual need to sign authority forms for BAS and income tax lodgements (and others) but do so because they understand the compliance issues behind the action. However, asking employer clients to sign an authority for each and every pay run is completely over the top! Imagine how annoyed they would be if their payroll was on a weekly cycle – that’s 52 signings per year on top of all the other usual signings required – absolutely ridiculous! Luckily someone at the ATO has been listening to all the complaints about this and has seen reason. Now, we as agents only need to get one signature per year for STP lodgements. Finally, some common sense has found itself winding in and around the halls of the ATO!

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Single Touch Payroll – is your accounting/payroll software ready?

Single Touch Payroll (STP) is formerly starting on 1 July 2018 for employers of 20 or more staff. So if you fall into this category, do you know if your accounting software is going to be ready by the start date? In today’s blog, we outline who will be ready and who is lagging behind!

We wrote about STP in our blog in May last year and in that blog we explained what STP actually is:

“STP is a government initiative requiring employers to report their payroll information to the ATO including gross wages paid,  PAYG withholding tax and superannuation at the time a payrun is created i.e. every payrun. The reporting will occur directly from your chosen payroll software solution.”

So basically, each time a pay run is completed, the information about who was paid, how much they were paid, the super accrued and the tax withheld, is sent electronically to the ATO via your accounting software (or other external payroll software). If you are a large employer, your business needs to start using STP from 1 July 2018 and you can only do this if your accounting or payroll software is going to be ready on time. Here is a list of the software companies who claim that they will be ready by 1 July 2018………. and those who won’t be ready! Also included are links to the various software blogs which explain their STP status and what you need to do now if you use that software.

Who will be ready on time?

From MYOB link above: “Single Touch Payroll is almost here and MYOB is working directly with the ATO to ensure that you’re ready to go when it becomes mandatory on 1st July 2018 for businesses with 20 or more employees. All of MYOB’s payroll enabled solutions will be compliant prior to the reporting date and deliver an easy-to-use solution to make this transition as smooth as possible.”

From the QBO link above:

“Will QuickBooks Online Payroll powered by KeyPay support Single Touch Payroll?

Yes, absolutely! We’re already investigating the requirements for STP reporting and will commence our implementation soon. The ATO are planning to release more information for software developers in Oct 2017 so as soon as that is available, we’ll begin our build.

We don’t have an ETA on when it’ll be ready to use, however we will definitely be ready before July 1 2018.”

From the Saasu link above: “We have already started work on Single Touch Payroll reporting within Saasu. We don’t have a fixed date on when it will be ready to use, but we will definitely be completed before July 1, 2018. We’ll make sure you know when the STP reporting functionality gets rolled out. STP will be included in your file automatically, without you needing to update, and without additional upgrade costs.”

From the Reckon link above: “All Reckon products with Payroll functionality will be STP enabled and ATO certified by 1 July 2018. This includes Reckon One, Reckon Accounts Desktop, Reckon Accounts Hosted and Payroll Premier. Reckon is part of the Australian Business Software Association who are working collaboratively to help shape and influence the design and implementation of Single Touch Payroll.”

From the CP link above: “STP reporting comes into effect on the 1st July 2018 and will be offered as part of CloudPayroll’s standard services.”

Who won’t be ready on time (and has applied to the ATO for a deferral)?

From the Xero link above: “Australia’s 1 July deadline to adopt Single Touch Payroll (STP) is fast approaching. But if you or your clients are on Xero, there’s some good news: You may have extra time. Thanks to the ATO, Xero subscribers will have a deferral of as much as six months to ensure a smooth rollout of STP.”

So basically, some Xero users will have access to STP on 1 July 2018 and others will be introduced to it later via a rollout system: “The Xero platform will invite you to use STP when it’s time to make the switch. Until then, you can process payroll as normal, without incurring any penalty. It’s that simple.”

From the MYOB other link above: “Clients who are unable to move to an STP enabled version of AccountRight, because they are currently using multi-currency, negative inventory, multi location inventory, M-Powered Payment or ODBC and those using AccountEdge, have been granted an STP reporting deferral until 31 May 2019. Others are encouraged to move to the latest version of AccountRight to ensure you are ready to meet your STP reporting obligations. “

What can I do if my software will not be ready for STP implementation by July 1 2018?

If your software isn’t going to be ready for STP by 1 July 2018, it’s developers will apply for a deferral and will be able to provide you with a deferral reference number (DRN) which you can then quote to the ATO to advise re the delay.

NB! If your business will not be ready for STP and the reason is not related to software delays, then you will have to apply to the ATO for a separate deferral yourself. If you engage a registered BAS or Tax Agent, then he/she can apply for a deferral on your behalf – see notes from the ATO below:


Employers who won’t be ready to start STP reporting from 1 July 2018, or by their software provider’s start date, will need to apply to us for a deferral.

Registered agents providing a payroll service, or supporting employers to transition to STP, can apply for a deferral for their clients. This includes registered tax agents, registered BAS agents and payroll service providers.

You must be a registered tax or BAS agent external Link to report through STP for your clients or apply for a deferral on their behalf.

So in summary, most of the popular accounting software giants will be ready for STP come 1 July 2018 and some won’t be so ready! If your software or business won’t be ready, then a deferral application to the ATO is required. If you would like more information re STP and/or assistance with the deferral application, please get in touch – we’d be happy to assist!

[highlight color=”blue”] NB! If your chosen accounting/payroll software isn’t listed here in this blog, we advise that you contact that software immediately to find out their STP status! [/highlight]

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Quick-start guide for new employers

So you’re going to start employing staff. That’s great, this usually means your small business is booming, so well done to you! Before you don your employer’s hat however, you need to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row. There are quite a few things you need to do so to that end, we have created a quick-start guide for new employers. Our guide will tell you what you need to know, supply crucial documents and provide links to important information. Pop this blog link in your favourites for quick access as you will find it useful each time you on-board a new staff member.

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5 BAS lodgement facts in 5 minutes!

As a BAS Agent, of course I understand how BAS lodgement works [or you would hope that I do lol!] Sometimes I forget that what is old hat for me, can be confusing to my clients or even present as completely new information. Yesterday a client asked me why his monthly instalment activity statement for September hadn’t yet been lodged. The simple answer is that it’s not due yet, something that I thought he understood – apparently not! This has prompted me to write this blog – 5 BAS lodgement facts in 5 minutes. Yep, it will only take you 5 minutes to read this blog which I recommend you do if you don’t understand the mechanics of BAS lodgement.

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Netflix Tax – A Bookkeeper’s View (from the Trenches)

My last blog was all about the new “Netflix Tax” and was really just an informational blog outlining what, how and when etc. In this blog, I want to look at the tax from a bookkeeper’s perspective and provide a real “from the trenches” viewpoint. All is not what it seems with the Netflix Tax!

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