Wage Theft Legislation is Coming! Review your Payroll Now!
Wage Theft Legislation will make it a criminal offence to underpay wages deliberately.
Welcome to our bookkeeping blog! We share bookkeeping tips, software updates and the latest news from the ATO. Sometimes we get a bit cheeky and let you know what we really think about this industry, but we try to behave ourselves most of the time! Enjoy the read and if you’re looking for anything in particular, hit the search button above.
Wage Theft Legislation will make it a criminal offence to underpay wages deliberately.
since its live delivery, both agents and clients alike are finding that from a practical perspective, CAL is less than perfect!
The intended outcome of this new process is to reduce fraud and identity theft and improve data security.
There are 3 Fair Work Information Statements. Which one do you give to your employees? One or all three?
The fourth how-to is about how to account for hire purchases in your accounting software.
The third how-to is about how to enter a Chattel Mortgage asset and associated loan into your accounting software.
How to enter a VicRoads registration bill into your accounts.
How to enter an insurance bill into your accounts the right way.
Not paying your employees’ super? You will be caught and audited. It’s only a matter of time!