10 more useful tools for bookkeepers

In last week’s blog I shared with you 10 useful tools I use in my bookkeeping business. Today, in part 2 of this blog, I’m going to share 10 more useful tools! Read on to find out what they are (again, not in any order of preference).


  1. My smartphone – Sometimes I think that I could almost do away with a computer or laptop and just run my business straight from my smartphone (well, almost!). All of the apps I need to use on a daily basis run happily on my phone – Google Apps, Dropbox, Evernote, Lastpass, ATO app, PayPal Here, Teamwork, Saasu, Xero, QuickBooks Online, GoToWebinar, Kindle reader, camera, social media, calculator, clock, note-taking apps, internet access and of course, what the phone was made for in the first place, phone calls and text messages. I don’t think there would be many of us who could live or work without our mobile phones these days!
  2. ATO website – Not all of the information on the ATO website is of use to me but there are some pages that I visit regularly. See my blog useful ATO web pages all business owners should bookmark to read about the complete list of pages which help me not only as a bookkeeper, but also as a business owner.
  3. Accounting program – being a cloud accounting advocate, I of course choose to use an online accounting program to track my business data. I use Saasu but could use any of the others like Xero or QuickBooks Online. Having access to this data anywhere and on any device really makes this part of running my business so easy!
  4. Log Book – I, like many business owners have to keep a motor vehicle log book for taxation reasons. I like to use the LogitFleetcare app because it’s ATO compliant and very easy to use. Once you’ve completed the logbook period, you simply download the csv file which clearly separates business from private kilometres and send this to your accountant. Perfect!
  5. Teamwork project management software – This is one tool I couldn’t be without! Once my client base tipped over the 20 plus mark, I knew I had to get really organised otherwise disaster would prevail! After much online research, I found Teamwork, the perfect solution for my business. Teamwork helps me stay organised and on top of my game. All of my tasks now and into the future are set up in Teamwork which means I’ll never forget anything ever again. Teamwork helps me sleep at night! I also use the app to set up client bookkeeping portals – read more about that here.
  6. Bookkeeping Associations – I am a member of the Australian Bookkeepers Network and the Australian Payroll Association. All of these associations provide a myriad of resources and assistance that as a professional bookkeeper, I wouldn’t be without. The ability to access help over the phone or via email when you need it, it priceless in my eyes.
  7. Skype and Google Hangouts – As most of my clients live interstate, I am unable to meet with them face to face. These 2 apps solve that problem providing almost life-like online video streaming , allowing me to see my clients and connect with them almost like they were with me in my office.
  8. Spreadsheet tools – Over the years I have created several checklists and other tools via spreadsheets. These include preparation tools for BAS, payment summaries and end of year tasks as well as workflow tools for daily tasks like managing clients and tracking my business financial data.
  9. Google Drive – This is another one of those “couldn’t be without” tools. Google Drive is an online file storage app similar to Dropbox but it is part of the suite of apps known as “Google Apps”. It works alongside Gmail, calendar and others. I run my whole business via Google Apps and keep all of my files in Google Drive. I can access and edit my files on any device and know that all of my data is backed up safely 100% of the time. I don’t use many desktop programs anymore – most of what I do is in the “cloud” and Google Apps makes this possible.
  10. GST textbook – Every second year I purchase the Australian GST Handbook from Thomson Reuters. While I do tend to Google most of my queries re GST, I do also refer to this textbook for confirmation that the information I’m finding is correct. This is a useful resource for any BAS Agent.

So that’s my complete list of useful tools I actually use in my bookkeeping business (no, really). Over the last couple of weeks I’ve shared 20 tools in total that help me run my business everyday. You can read about the other 10 tools here. I hope this blog has inspired you and given you some ideas about what’s out there and what’s possible in terms of tools or apps which can make being a contract bookkeeper just a little easier 😉

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3 thoughts on “10 more useful tools for bookkeepers”

  1. Hi Louise,
    Fantastic summary of essential tools. I will soon start my own private bookkeeping practice, and these tools I will most certainly use. One question: what smartphone are you using? I was thinking of using iPhone.

    1. Hi Jason, thanks for the thumbs up! I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – it’s really awesome – best phone I’ve ever had! Good luck with starting your bookkeeping practice 🙂

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